Den-Kel Jerseys is developing cow families with several other fellow Jersey breeders as well.
The BK/DK Syndicate is a partnership between Dr. Michael Barns (B) and Dr. Katharine Knowlton (K) of Virginia Tech and Den-Kel (DK) Jerseys.
A few of our favorite BK/DK Syndicate cow families are highlighted below.
Julia Cow Family

WF Jace Julia-ET
4-0 305 23,080 4.7% 1,087 3.7% 865
Julia was bred by Waverly Farms of Clear Brook, VA, and purchased from Kentmere Farms LLC of Fort Defiance, VA, in December 2005. She is from the Judy Mae cow family.

Julia's Daughter:
BK/DK Jacinto January
3-3 305 22,960 5.4% 1,235 4.0% 911
Hall of Fame Record with 3,154C
Belle 5 Cow Family

Sunset Canyon Sultan H Belle 5-ET
3-5 305 21,020 5.6% 1,184 3.6% 760
Belle 5 was purchased from Eric Silva, Beaver, OR, at The All American Jersey Sale in 2005. She has six maternal brothers in A.I. Their dam is Sunset Canyon Hallmark Belle 1-ET, E-93%, with two records over 30,000M.

Belle 5's Daughter:
BK/DK Jevon Liberty Belle-ET
4-8 305 27,180 4.5% 1,213 3.5% 946
She has five complete lactation, three over 23,000M. She made Honor Roll records for ME cheese yield as a three, four and five-year-old.
Tasket and Toodle

BK/DK Matinee Tasket
3-10 278 23,290 5.0% 1,169 3.8% 890
4-9 269 22,760 4.9% 1,117 3.7% 838
Honor Roll Record with 3,307C (ME)
Tasket and her maternal sister, Toodle, are from the cow family that brought the breed the well-known bull AU Lester Topkick-ET. Seven of their closest dams are Excellent or Very Good with records in excess of 20,000M.
We purchased their dam, Lynvail Relay Tipsy, VG-87%, from The All American Jersey Sale in 2002.

Tasket's Daughter:
BK/DK Legal Tort
1-9 305 17,680 5.1% 905 3.7% 648

Tasket's Maternal Sister:
BK/DK Myboy Tipsy Toodle-P
3-1 305 17,310 5.3% 911 3.7% 641
Kava Cow Family

SHF Parade Kava
6-00 305 24,450 4.7% 1,148 3.5% 865
Kava was bred by fellow New York Jersey breeders George and Karen Hanford of Marcellus. She has five complete lactations, all over 20,000M.

JX Den-Kel Reno Kody {6}
4-2 305 26,390 5.7% 1,513 3.7% 974
Kody is one of our most promising young cows. Her grandam is an E-90% Legal daughter with three records over 24,300M. Her third dam is a VG-86% Militia with a five lactation ME average of 23,094 - 1,078 - 848. The next dam is Kava.