Den-Kel Hank Clarissa
3-0 305 21,890 5.8% 1,262 4.0% 884
Clarissa has a unique sire stack, backed by Hank of D&E-P-ET, HL Captain Clarence, HL Berretta Patron and Comfort Pal Adonis-ET on the maternal side. She is from the Gunda cow family that traces to Daniel Jupiter Gunda seven generations back. She has four daughters.

Clarissa's Daughter:
Den-Kel Jimmy Claire
4-7 305 23,040 5.2% 1,202 3.6% 820
She has a daughter and a son.

Daughter of Clarissa's Maternal Sister:
Den-Kel Jacinto Condoleeza
5-1 305 22,410 4.8% 1,081 4.0% 901
Condoleeza has three records over 20,000M. She has two daughters and several other descendants in the herd today.

Condoleeza's Maternal Sister:
Den-Kel Louie Clarabelle
3-0 305 22,190 5.7% 1,257 3.9% 856
She has 17 registered progeny. Her son, Den-Kel Legal Clause, is at Select Sires. She has daughters by Legal, Valentino, Medalist and Dimension.
Clarabelle's dam, Den-Kel Clarence Clarice, VG-84%, has two records over 20,000M. Her grandam is a VG-80% Patron with five lactations - four of them over 23,000M.

Clarabelle's Daughter:
Den-Kel Legal Cendra-ET
3-00 277 3x 17,790 5.5% 980 3.7% 667
Owned by D & D Jerseys, Newton, WI

From the Same Maternal Line:
Den-Kel Champ Garbo
1-10 305 18,810 5.7% 1,066 3.7% 704
Garbo is backed by seven dams that are Very Good or Excellent with records exceeding 21,000M.
Her lineage converges with that of her cousins three generations back to Osceola Adonis Sweet A 718-ET, VG-87%, purchased in 1996 from Robert and Janet Baker, Enumclaw, WA. Garbo's grandam is a maternal sister to Clarissa's grandam.